Nick Jorge
Final Essay
How do the fundamentals of physical
oceanography and meteorology make Earth habitable? The fundamentals of physical oceanography and
meteorology makes Earth habitable in several different ways. If we did not have the ocean we would not be
here at all so the ocean is very important. The Earth basically runs off the
ocean. It is the highway for many things.
The ocean is a major influence on
weather and climate. The ocean is truly an incredible thing for what it does
for the world. The ocean is much more complex than what the average person
thinks. Before I took oceanography I thought the ocean was just a pool of water
that is there for transport and starting hurricanes but there is much more I didn't know about. I always knew the ocean was full of currents but I never
actually realized how complex they really are. There are small currents
everywhere but there are also big constant currents such as the Gulf Stream.
The Gulf Stream goes all around the world and what it basically does is bring
warm or cool air around the world. A good example of this is when you first
turn on the bathtub and obviously the water it cold when you first turn it on
but then right as soon as it starts getting warm, you mix the warm water with
the cold. It then equals out. That is basically what the Gulf Stream and other
streams are doing. It doesn't just mix water but it also does the same with
oxygen. The wind gets caught with the water and wind of all different
temperatures are mixed around the Earth as well. The picture below shows how water is moved around the earth.
The ocean and people are inextricably
interconnected. I know this because people are constantly in the ocean. Whether
if it is people on a warm beach, or people crab fishing in the arctic waters.
People are always using the oceans for resources or for a good time. The ocean
is a giant tub of resources. The fishing industries rely on the ocean to get
their pay and ocean explorers rely on the ocean for them to find something new
that they can get money from, research, and put something new in the history
books. Ocean exploration is an incredible thing because as of right now, the
human race has only explored less than five percent of the world’s oceans. You
can only imagine what we have not seen and what kind of research is to be
found. Every so often, scientists find a new species of fish or creature in the
deep ocean. They even find creatures that were thought to be extinct. It is
truly amazing how much we have not explored. The picture below is a scuba diver discovering new things in the ocean.
The ocean shapes the features of the
Earth. The Earth and all the continents in general are formed by the ocean,
water in general, and wind. The ocean is constantly grinding against the coasts
of every coast, some more than others but they always are. Waves are always
beating on beaches. It not really a problem until the waves start breaking away
at beaches at an angle because that will continue to push the sand away which
can block a river and then people will have to bring the sand back to the beach
instead of the river. This just recently happened in Plum Island and I saw the
big pumps putting sand back to the beaches. There are ways that can help with a
situation like this from happening such as forming jetty’s which will only let
the sand go to a certain point. You will see that a lot of beaches have jetties
and man made walls to prevent this. Tides will also affect the shape of the
earth. Tides will slowly bring the water level up and down continuously and you
can imagine that will break at beaches and coasts. Plate tectonics can really
affect a coast in violent ways such as a Tsunami or a Rogue wave. A Tsunami is
a big wave that is formed by an underwater earthquake, an underwater volcanic
eruption or even an asteroid falling into the ocean. Rogue waves are waves that
are more than twice the size of a normal wave and the trough of a Rogue wave is
unusually big and how they develop is still being investigated. The picture below is what looks like a fishing boat and it is going over a large wave. Possibly a rogue wave.
Earth is habitable because of the
fundamentals in oceanography and meteorology. Currents and wind are ways how
the great oceans affect climate and the weather. If it wasn't for the currents
and streams in the ocean then I bet the weather and climate would be much
different than it is today. If it weren't for explorers and fishermen than the ocean
and the people wouldn't be as inextricably interconnected. Ocean explorers
still has more than 95 percent of the ocean to explore and I can imagine that
can be overwhelming but I can only imagine what they might find. There are so
many things we don’t know about under the surface of the oceans. Waves, tides,
and plate tectonics are the reason why our continents are shaping the way they
are. Tides are probably the biggest way that our Earth is shaped. The Earth is a major Influence on weather and
climate, the ocean and people are inextricably interconnected, and the ocean
shaped the features of the Earth.
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